victory for life

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Victory's Hangi

Last Thursday Victory Primary School prepared the hangi ready for Friday. Victory was celebrating
Maori language week.

Room 8, Room 14, and Room 13 made the stuffing. They made it out of bread, herbs, onions, butter and salt. While they were making it, they watched a movie as well. Then the next day at 12:15 they headed over to the hangi pit to watch them take it out. When they took the hangi out the whanau classes said a karakia and sang some songs until it was our turn to get some kai. Everyone liked it. And it was a great week.

By Zontay

NZ Gold came to Victory

Sarah Ulmer came to Victory Primary School to talk about her time at the Olympics and winning gold for New Zealand last Wednesday. Plus she gave out prizes to kids who answered question correctly or asked good question

After talking about everything some kids were chosen to go on the Olympic bus and have a go on either the rowing machine or the bike. On the top deck was an iPad on which you could send a photo and a message to the Olympic team and the prizes were bottles, caps and beanies.


Action, games and more....

Victory hit the jackpot because it had Nelson Girls teaching them sports skills.

They are only here this week. "We are focusing on netball and basketball," said Sophie, one of the Nelson Girls

The sun started to shine when they got here. People were smiling and enjoying themselves.

By Ngawai

Ripper Rugby

In to weeks time Victory Primary  School is going to have a ripper rugby competition were each class in the senior syndicate will compete to see who's the best in the school. each class is practicing for the big competition who will win.

Written by Van Bawi and Tarn.