This year for the Fair Go Ad award we had to make an ad with an animal in it. We thought we would put our love of animals and our love of reading together to make our ad.

Rosa brought her guinea pigs to school and we used Spike in our ad. Sarah, Luke’s sister, read to Spike. Maya is one of the dogs from Paw Prints. Piper read to Maya. Van tha bawi read to Xavier, Whaea Lynda’s turtle, and Dawt Ku read to Manu the cockatiel.
We filmed our ad in the school library and in Room 16. Matua Craig helped us make our ad.
Megan was an animal wrangler, gopher, and cameraperson. Gryphon was the guinea pig pooper-scooper, a wrangler and gopher. Luke was an animal wrangler and gopher. Ethan H was our fake dog and a animal wrangler and Rosa was the guinea pig wrangler.
The finals of the Fair Go schools' ad awards will be on TV1 at 7:30 on Wednesday, 4 November.